Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Pictures :]

Here are some pictures from the last month! Most are from the Women's retreat in Canta, Peru. I will give a more detailed update Asap :]


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are having a wonderful time Rosalie! We miss you!

kathie said...

Well, I left a comment alrady --but maybe in didn't go through. I said: "I feel so modern checking on blogs -- who would have thought?" And: I hope you come up to the Central Valley once you set food on US land -- most likely you will be with your parents in southern Cal -- but if you come up here for a visit, you can surely stay with us. Love to you precious girl, Kathie

Anonymous said...

Ro, thanks for allowing me to see and hear how you are doing, as well as watching the Lord in your life. You are such a blessing and encouragement. I am going to miss seeing you here in Turlock. Watching you grow up has been a treat and I can't wait to see where the Lord continues to take you and grow you. Love you, Rhonda