Friday, October 23, 2009

busy busy busy...

Estos pies! (That's my feet!) :)

I'm in the midst of getting homework finished & chilling out from worrying as I type. Me and worrying are often way too good of friends, it's a headache at times. The Lord is showing me not to worry though, He keeps reminding me to only think about today and let Him take care of what is next. All He's asking me to do is be obedient with what is in front of me. I don't know about you but for me, this is freedom. It's funny how obedience brings freedom. Well let me update you on what I've been doing this past week or so.

Last week was pretty slow, I was sick and I didn't do much...therefore I got behind on my Chuck tracks. While I was sick two awesome friends took care of me though and the campus pastor took me to the doctor. I didn't have anything wrong though, apparently the chills and fever were just a flu of some sort.

This week started with the book of Daniel with Rick Heilman. This class is so interesting and hard to understand when you just read straight through it without digging deep and digesting it as much as possible. The Lord has been teaching me through this class to have faith in God and be a true witness with my life. Daniel was an awesome example of that. Daniel 1:8 "But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself..." I think that is something we all need to do, purpose in our heart that we won't give into the pressures of the world and that we won't put ourselves in positions of failure. One thing that our teacher encouraged us to do today was to be doers and not hearers only - James 1:22 & I encourage you to do the same.

Today was a good day, I had class, Skyped a friend from home, all the meals were yummy, went to Starbucks with a few friends, and now I'm writing to all of you :)
The rest of my night will be spent (Lord willing) starting & finishing a 6 page paper due Monday. Possibly some reading & maybe a Chuck track to squeeze in there.

November 2 on Monday I will be leaving for a week on a missions trip, I'm very excited and ask that you would keep the school in prayer, we're all going to different areas of Peru!

From the looks of it, I will be home for Christmas break, I will keep you updated though if the Lord changes my plans. I would love to come home & see my family and also stay here at the same time but from what I see now, the Lord is leading me to spend Christmas break at home with my family and friends (that's you guys!) Also, I'm still praying about next semester and where the Lord wants please keep that in prayer!

Picture from today, walking home from Starbucks with -in order- Me, Kussy (aka Ivan), Gonzalo (aka Chuckie, pronounced Chookie)!

Here are a few pictures that Gonzalo took while we were all walking.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

2 Corinthians 5:17

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."

The Lord is doing amazing things when I least expect it.

Please pray for my health and for guidance still about what to do next semester and over break.

New favorite song:
Jennifer Knapp - Hold Me Now
From glass alabaster she poured out the depths of her soul
O foot of Christ would you wait if her harlotry's known?
Falls a tear to darken the dirt.
Of humblest offerings to forgive the hurt
She is strong enough to stand in your love

I can hear her say..."I am weak
I am poor, I'm broken Lord but I'm yours."
Hold me now, hold me now

Let he without sin cast the first stone if you will
To say that my bride isn't worth half the blood that I've spilled
Point your finger and laugh if you choose to say my beloved is borrowed and used

I can hear her say..."I am weak
I am poor, I'm broken Lord but I'm yours."
Hold me now, hold me now

Luke 7:36-50