Saturday, October 3, 2009


If you haven't heard about this little girl yet, I encourage you to do so. This is Britt Merrick's daughter...he is the pastor at Reality Carpenteria. She is 5 years old & has cancer. Click the link & pray! :)

So Speaker's Week just ended. It went really well, it was based on ministry. The Lord showed me a lot through that class & it was awesome. I came to the realization that everything I do - is about Jesus. That's the whole point of dying to so He is glorified. God is good.

So the plan so far is for me to come home in December, but we'll see what the Lord does...I love it here & wouldn't mind staying over break until May when I graduate. Please pray that I would be guided by the Lord, I need wisdom in what to do!

Remember that you are a special treasure to God - He loves you & He cherishes you.


xoxo Ro

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

25 things I've learned about Peru & this semester...

I was on a friends blog & I saw a list he made about being in a new country. I thought it was cool so I'm gonna try to do the same! :)

first...about Peru
1. the way we great people here is so much better & more personal (kiss on the cheek)
2. at was awkward but now I love it.
3. I love cold weather, mainly because of the clothes I get to wear
4. being sick away from your mommy is not fun!
5. skype is awesome!
6. English isn't the only language...there is Spanish, German & some others ;) those are just some here at the Bible College
7. being stretched isn't fun but the outcome is going to be beautiful
8. I miss my one stop light town...
9. never realized how much I love clean dogs that I can pet
10. ordering things in Spanish is way too much fun
11. Heating & air is not a necessity...neither is a hot shower
12. Wal Mart...I miss you
13. walking 20 minutes to get Starbucks is worth it! :)
14. you get egged when its your birthday! haha
15. & Juanita makes awesome cake :)
16. I don't miss North American culture...but I still love you guys :)
17. scarves are a necessity!!!!!
18. southern accents are great.
19. it's illegal to pick flowers here if they're in someones yard...oops
20. Peru is mostly populated by Asians...there is a Chifa on every corner
21. McDonalds is better here
22. having "breakfast is ready", "lunch is ready", and "dinner is ready" called at every meal in Spanish & English is awesome...
23. having a question of the day is spectacular
24. multi-tasking while doing Chuck tracks only works when the internet is off!
25. there is so much more...but not enough time...time for my M1!

hope you enjoyed this!